Dense phase (Positive pressure conveying)

Dense phase conveying, or positive pressure conveying, offers efficient material transfer using a controlled high-pressure airstream. Its functional features include gentle handling of a variety of materials, energy efficiency with lower air consumption, and suitability for fragile or abrasive substances, ensuring reliable and controlled material transfer in diverse industrial applications.

Dense phase (Positive pressure conveying) Introduction

csm Conveying in hygienic application cfe833f957 - Dense phase (Positive pressure conveying)

Dense phase conveying, also known as positive pressure conveying, is a method for transporting dry bulk materials through enclosed pipelines using compressed air. In this method, material forms a dense plug that is pushed through the pipe by the pressurized air. This technique is particularly suitable for conveying materials that are fragile, abrasive, or prone to air entrapment

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Technical Specs


The positive pressure dense phase pneumatic conveying device is a sophisticated material transfer system employing a sending tank to propel materials. This innovative system utilizes air source pressure exceeding 1kg/cm2 to push materials efficiently through a conveying pipeline. Noteworthy features include a substantial transportation volume, enabling the conveyance of large quantities of material, along with an impressive transportation distance. The system is characterized by a high gas-to-solid ratio, indicating an efficient use of air pressure to transport materials.

One of the distinctive attributes of this pneumatic conveying device is its ability to operate with a low gas flow rate, contributing to energy efficiency. The system’s design minimizes wear on the conveying pipeline, enhancing its longevity and reliability. Referred to as air flow conveying, the conveyor pump equipment harnesses the energy of air flow to facilitate horizontal, vertical, or oblique material transfer. This versatile approach adds to the system’s adaptability across various orientations, making it a robust solution for industries requiring efficient and reliable material conveying.



A dense phase pneumatic conveying system operates with a sending tank, propelling materials through a conveying pipeline using air pressure exceeding 1kg/cm². It excels in efficiently transporting large volumes of materials over extended distances, offering a controlled and gentle approach to material handling.

Key Functions:

  1. Material Transport:
    • Efficiently transports materials using high-pressure air, ensuring effective conveyance through the pipeline.
  2. Gentle Handling:
    • Gently conveys sensitive or fragile products, minimizing damage during transportation through controlled slugs of material movement.
  3. Low Gas Flow Rate:
    • Operates at a low gas flow rate, ideal for handling materials that require careful treatment and minimal degradation.
  4. High Gas-to-Solid Ratio:
    • Maintains a high gas-to-solid ratio, facilitating effective material transport while minimizing wear on the conveying pipeline.
  5. Versatile Direction:
    • Capable of conveying materials horizontally, vertically, or obliquely, providing flexibility in material handling applications.

System Components:

The system comprises conveying and sending tanks, conveying pipelines, blowing aid components, receiving bins, and other essential elements that collectively facilitate efficient material transfer.

Controlled Slugs:

Dense phase systems utilize controlled slugs of air to push the product through the pipeline, followed by another pulse of both air and product. This ensures precise and gentle material movement, especially beneficial for fragile products.

Precise Calculations:

Unlike lean phase systems, dense phase systems demand more precise calculations for design and timing to ensure optimal material transport without causing damage.


Dense phase conveying systems find suitability in moving abrasive materials like sugar, heavy bulk density products, blended materials, friable substances such as carbon black prills, and plastic pellets that do not require continuous delivery. Their versatility makes them valuable across various industries.


  1. High Transportation Volume: The system is capable of handling large volumes of materials efficiently over long distances, making it suitable for industrial applications requiring bulk material transport.
  2. Low Gas Flow Rate: Dense phase conveying operates at a low gas flow rate, reducing energy consumption and ensuring gentle handling of materials, particularly fragile or sensitive products.
  3. High Gas-to-Solid Ratio: Maintaining a high gas-to-solid ratio allows for effective material transport while minimizing wear on the conveying pipeline, enhancing system longevity.
  4. Versatile Directionality: The system can convey materials in various directions, including horizontally, vertically, or obliquely, providing flexibility in material handling applications to suit different plant layouts.
  5. Gentle Material Handling: Dense phase conveying ensures gentle handling of materials, making it suitable for transporting delicate or friable products without causing degradation or damage during transportation.
  6. Controlled Slugs of Material: The system uses controlled slugs of air to push materials through the pipeline in a controlled manner, ensuring precise and efficient material movement without causing product degradation.
  7. Blowing Aid Components: Incorporating blowing aid components enhances the efficiency of material transfer by providing additional assistance in moving materials through the pipeline effectively.
  8. Comprehensive Construction: The system comprises conveying and sending tanks, conveying pipelines, blowing aid components, receiving bins, and other essential elements that work together seamlessly to facilitate efficient material transfer within the system.
  9. Suitable for Abrasive Materials: Dense phase conveying systems are ideal for handling abrasive materials like sugar, heavy bulk density products, carbon black prills, plastic pellets, and other materials that require careful transport without degradation.
  10. Precise Design Requirements: Unlike lean phase systems, dense phase conveying systems require precise calculations and design considerations to ensure optimal material transport without compromising product integrity during handling.


Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact: Dense phase conveying systems distinguish themselves by operating at low energy consumption levels, establishing them as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative compared to conventional conveying methods. This not only contributes to reduced operational costs but also aligns with sustainability goals.

Material Handling Expertise: Renowned for their gentle handling capabilities, dense phase conveying systems are adept at transporting fragile granular materials and powders with particle sizes below 2mm. Their controlled transportation process mitigates breakage or degradation during conveyance, ensuring the preservation of material integrity.

Longevity Through Reduced Wear: The controlled movement of materials in solid form within dense phase conveying systems leads to significantly reduced wear on pipes. This characteristic minimizes abrasion, extending the lifespan of the conveying system and contributing to long-term cost savings.

Efficient Dust Management: Dense phase conveying systems excel in dust removal, facilitated by their small conveying air volume and low energy consumption. This efficiency streamlines the separation and dust removal processes, fostering a cleaner and safer working environment.

Preservation of Material Integrity: By maintaining low velocities and stable conditions during transport, dense phase conveying systems prevent material degradation. This feature is particularly crucial for delicate materials, ensuring the preservation of their integrity throughout the transportation process.

Homogeneity in Material Blending: Dense phase conveying minimizes the segregation of blended materials by ensuring that different components are conveyed at similar velocities. This meticulous approach preserves the homogeneity of the mixture, maintaining consistency throughout transportation.

Optimized Maintenance Efficiency: Operating at low velocities, dense phase conveying systems experience minimal wear on pipelines, resulting in extended pipeline life and reduced maintenance requirements. This translates to lower downtime and overall maintenance costs, enhancing operational efficiency.

Compact Ancillary Equipment: The low air consumption of dense phase conveying systems allows for the utilization of smaller filters, compressors, and dryers. This not only reduces initial installation costs but also leads to decreased maintenance expenses, contributing to overall system cost-effectiveness.


Model And Specfications

Dense phase conveying in positive pressure systems involves moving materials at pressures greater than 30 psig (~2 barg) with a solids loading of more than 15 lb of solids per pound of gas. The key specifications for dense phase conveying include

  • Convey Rates: High, up to 100 tons/hr or higher.
  • Convey Velocities: Low, ranging from 200 to 2000 fpm.
  • Convey Distances: High, up to 10,000 ft or longer.
  • Air Mover: Compressor (Screw, rotary, reciprocating).
  • Operating Pressure: Up to 125 psig.
  • Air/Material Ratios: Less than 0.2.

Dense phase conveying is characterized by low velocity, high pressure, and high product to air ratio. It offers advantages such as reduced component wear compared to dilute phase systems, lower operating costs, basic maintenance, and reduced material segregation & degradation 



The UV series up draft powder conveying pump is suitable for conveying powder materials with high production capacity, high specific gravity, large particle size, and low hardness. The designed equivalent conveying distance is generally ≤ 1000 m, with a vertical climb of 60 m and a powder specific gravity of ≤ 6.0 t/m ³, Powder particle size ≤ 5.0mm, moisture content ≤ 3%, maximum instantaneous temperature of powder ≤ 200 ℃, suitable for single or multi-point discharge conditions.

UV series upward suction powder conveying pump, powered by compressed air, is one of the earlier pneumatic conveying equipment used in power plant pneumatic ash removal systems. The bottom of the pump is equipped with a fluidization plate, which pressurizes the powder inside the pump to fluidize. After reaching the set pressure value, the discharge valve is automatically opened, and the powder enters the conveying pipeline at high speed under the action of fluidization and pressure difference, thereby achieving the purpose of powder transportation.

This pump has a boiling structure, and when the discharge valve is opened, the initial flow rate is high. It is not suitable for conveying powder materials with strong grinding properties and high hardness. But when the material characteristics and conveying distance allow, the discharge valve can also be opened first, and then the gas source control valve can be opened, so that the material enters the conveying pipeline at a lower flow rate while fluidizing, which can effectively reduce the wear of the discharge valve and discharge pipe. Due to the low initial flow rate of the material, it is not suitable to transport over long distances.

The UV series medium suction powder conveying pump is suitable for conveying powder materials with high output, specific gravity, particle size, strong grindability, and high hardness. For conveying powder materials with strong grindability and high hardness, composite ceramic wear-resistant pipes are required. Design equivalent conveying distance


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Dense phase (Positive pressure conveying) Solutions

Colourful background from various herbs and spices for cooking in bowls
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