Ton Bag Unloading Station

The Ton Bag Unloading Station features ergonomic design, dust containment, and customizable options, providing efficient and controlled discharge of bulk materials from Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs) for diverse industrial applications.

Ton Bag Unloading Station Introduction

3ccG - Ton Bag Unloading Station

The Ton Bag Unloading Station simplifies the controlled discharge of bulk materials from Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs). With a focus on efficiency and safety, this station features a stable structure, dust containment, and customizable options, offering a reliable solution for streamlined material handling across diverse industries.

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Technical Specs


Optimize the unloading and packaging of bagged materials with our advanced system. Designed for maximum efficiency and a hassle-free operation, our system seamlessly integrates several essential components. It includes a lifting hanger, big bag beating device, pneumatic entrainment device, buffer tank, weighing mechanism, screw conveyor, and discharge pipe.At the core of our system is the large bag opening station, enabling a semi-automatic unloading process. An electric or pneumatic hoist effortlessly lifts the big packaging bag, securely hung on a rigid bracket. With manual control, the hoist moves along a designated guide rail, accurately positioning the bag for unloading.

Streamlining every stage of the process, our system enhances productivity and minimizes manual efforts. From lifting to placement, our advanced components work together harmoniously, ensuring an efficient workflow.

Experience the benefits of our state-of-the-art bag unloading and packaging system. With automated features, precise control, and seamless integration, our system optimizes productivity, reduces downtime, and offers a reliable solution for your bagged material handling needs


Working of Ton Bag Unloading Station:

  1. Initiation and Bag Clamping:
    • Operator initiates unloading by pressing a button.
    • Clamping cylinder rises, allowing bag discharge to the inner ring.
    • Clamping button lowers the cylinder, sealing the bag mouth tightly with a sealing ring for a secure grip.
  2. Material Discharge:
    • Opening the rope tie at the bag discharge port allows material to smoothly flow through the inner ring.
    • Well-engineered design prevents dust leakage during the entire discharge process.
    • Material effortlessly follows gravity along the pipeline.
  3. Bag-Beating Device and Material Transport:
    • Incorporated bag-beating device ensures smooth material flow within bags and pipes.
    • Materials are effectively loosened, falling into the buffer tank.
    • Even transport to the discharge pipe is achieved through a screw mechanism, reaching customer-specified equipment.
  4. Completion of Unloading Process:
    • After manual bag tying, activating the bag clamp button raises the bag press.
    • A manually operated electric hoist effortlessly lifts out the empty bags.

Experience the efficiency and reliability of our Ton Bag Unloading Station, simplifying the unloading process with smooth material flow, minimal dust leakage, and seamless integration with your existing equipment. Contact us today for a tailored, professional-grade solution meeting your specific requirements.


Our Ton Bag Unloader Station offers impressive capabilities and features to streamline your bulk bag unloading process. Designed with a modular approach, it allows for customized configurations to meet your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance in today’s industrial environments.

  • Key Features:
  • – Unloading capacity for Bulk Bags up to 2 tons
  • – Heavy-duty tubular frame construction for durability
  • – Choice of carbon steel painted or all stainless steel frame
  • – Stainless steel contact parts (316L/304L) for product integrity
  • – Low profile design for easy loading by fork-lift or integrated crane and hoist
  • – Dust-free connection and emptying of Bulk Bags
  • – Dust aspiration during bag changes, promoting a cleaner work environment
  • – Contaminant-free bag loading, preventing foreign matter from entering the material flow
  • – Optional lump breaker, extra agitator, and flow assisting massagers or vibration assistance
  • – Dust filter option available
  • – Compatible with our Bag Rip-and-Tip Station for combined systems
  • – Can be used independently or as part of a complete YOUWEI’S conveying system

Our Bulk Bag Unloading Station (BBU) is engineered and manufactured to meet the highest quality standards, aligning with the reliability of our vacuum conveyors. Its modular design allows for easy customization, ensuring a seamless fit with your operations. Whether you choose a hoist or forklift configuration, the BBU optimizes dust-free material flow, preserving the purity of your products and maintaining a clean working environment.


1.    Streamlined Unloading Process: Experience a swift and efficient unloading process with our Ton Bag Unloader Station. The system is designed to handle large quantities of material, ensuring a seamless transition from bag to production.

2.    Reduced Manual Handling: Minimize manual labor and associated risks. Our station automates the unloading process, reducing the need for physical exertion and enhancing workplace safety.

3.    Preservation of Product Integrity: Preserve the integrity of your materials during unloading. Our station incorporates features to prevent contamination and maintain the quality of your product from bag to processing.

4.    Dust-Free Environment: Ensure a clean and dust-free workplace. The Ton Bag Unloader Station is equipped with advanced dust control measures, creating a healthier environment for your workforce and preventing contamination of the production area.

5.    Versatile Material Handling: Adapt to diverse material handling needs effortlessly. Our station accommodates a variety of bulk materials, providing versatility for different industries and applications.

6.    Customizable Solutions:   Tailor the Ton Bag Unloader Station to fit your specific requirements. Enjoy the flexibility of customizable options, ensuring that the equipment seamlessly integrates into your existing setup.

7.    Increased Productivity: Boost overall productivity with a streamlined unloading process and reduced downtime. Our station is engineered for efficiency, contributing to increased output and operational success.

8.    Cost-Effective Operation: Experience a cost-effective solution for bulk material handling. Our Ton Bag Unloader Station optimizes efficiency, resulting in reduced operational costs and enhanced ROI for your business.

9.    Compliance with Safety Standards: Prioritize safety in the workplace. Our Ton Bag Unloader Station is designed in compliance with industry safety standards, providing a secure and regulated environment for your team.

10. Expert Support and Maintenance: Benefit from our dedicated customer support and maintenance services. We ensure that your Ton Bag Unloader Station operates at peak performance, providing ongoing assistance for the longevity of your investment.

Model And Specfications

Model: UV-XLQ/XLZ-3


  • Operation: Intuitive single-button operation.
  • Clamping: Hydraulic system with sealing ring.
  • Material Discharge: Rope tie for smooth flow.
  • Dust Control: Ensures minimal dust leakage.
  • Bag-Beating Device: Enhances material loosening.
  • Material Transport: Screw mechanism for even flow.
  • Buffer Tank: Facilitates smooth material distribution.
  • Hoisting System: Manual electric hoist for bag removal.
  • Capacity: Handles standard ton bags efficiently.
  • Compatibility: Seamless integration with existing systems.
  • Customization: Adjustable settings for diverse materials.
  • Safety Features: Built-in measures for operator protection.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines unloading with minimal downtime.
  • Reliability: Robust construction for consistent performance.

UV-XLQ/XLZ-3 delivers efficient and reliable ton bag unloading, tailored to diverse industrial needs. Contact us for a customized solution.

Technical Parameters:

Model Material Power Dust removal size
XLQ Stainless steel 304 0 none Φ490*680
XLZ-1 Carbon steel/stainless steel 304 0 none 1600*1600*1480
XLZ-2 3KW exist 1800*1800*4800
XLZ-3 5KW exist 2000*2000*6000

Selection parameters:

Name (see picture)) value
sling height (              )MM
Ton bag height (              )MM
Discharge port diameter (              )MM
Discharge port height (              )MM
gross weight (             )KG




 Simple Support Frame Bulk Bag Unloader

is an economical alternative for straightforward applications.

  1. Massaging Paddles:
    • Ensure continuous material flow by gently agitating with pneumatic actuators, optimizing the unloading process.
  2. Manual or Pneumatic Covering:
    • Choose between manual or automated pneumatic covering for flexible and convenient material discharge control.
  3. Material Agitator:
    • Break up clumps and compacted material effortlessly, maintaining a smooth and uninterrupted flow during unloading.
  4. Material Delumper:
    • Prevent blockages by breaking down oversized chunks and lumps, ensuring a smooth material flow.
  5. Dust Collector:
    • Maintain a clean and dust-free environment by capturing fine particles during the unloading process.
  6. YOUWEI’S Conveyor Interface:
    • Seamlessly integrate the BBU with other components of your conveying system for a comprehensive material handling solution.

Additional Options (Based on Provided Information and Knowledge):

  • Vibrating Platform:
    • Enhances material flow by reducing friction, facilitating smoother discharge, ideal for cohesive or sticky materials.
  • Bag Massager:
    • Vibrates or massages the ton bag to break up compacted materials within, suitable for materials prone to compaction.
  • Pneumatic Bag Tensioning:
    • Ensures optimal tensioning of the ton bag during unloading, preventing sagging and ensuring controlled discharge.
  • Integral Dust Collector:
    • Minimizes airborne particles during unloading, critical for maintaining a clean working environment.
  • Adjustable Bag Support Arms:
    • Customizable arms to securely hold ton bags of different sizes, offering versatility in handling various bag dimensions.
  • Mobile Configuration:
    • Enables easy relocation within the facility, ideal for plants with changing layouts or varied unloading locations.
  • Explosion-Proof Features:
    • Incorporates safety measures to prevent ignition in environments with potentially combustible materials.
  • Remote Control System:
    • Allows operators to control and monitor the unloading process remotely, enhancing operational flexibility.
  • Bag Sealing Device:
    • Provides a secure seal for partially emptied ton bags, minimizing spillage and waste.
  • Material Level Sensors:
    • Offers real-time monitoring of material levels within the ton bag, enabling precise control of the unloading process.



Ton Bag Unloading Station Solutions

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