
Automated Vacuum Feeding System for Corn Flour, Chili Powder, Fried Chicken Powder, and Other Food Powders

Traditional food powder companies face challenges in maintaining production efficiency, reducing labor costs, and ensuring a clean and safe work environment. Manual feeding of powders like corn flour, chili powder, and fried chicken powder can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and generate dust, impacting product quality and worker health.

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Case Introduction

Challenge: Traditional food powder companies face challenges in maintaining production efficiency, reducing labor costs, and ensuring a clean and safe work environment. Manual feeding of powders like corn flour, chili powder, and fried chicken powder can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and generate dust, impacting product quality and worker health.

Solution: Shanghai Youwei implemented a vacuum feeding system to automate the feeding process for a food powder production facility in Shanghai. This case study highlights the system’s benefits:

  • Customized Design: Youwei’s engineers designed the system to fit the specific needs of the facility, considering factors like building height limitations, material type, and feeding distance (13 meters) and height (3 meters).
  • Automated Feeding: The system seamlessly integrates with existing processes like vibrating screening and mixing. Materials are automatically transferred to a buffer tank and then fed to the mixer as needed, ensuring consistent and accurate dosing.
  • Reduced Labor Costs: Automation eliminates the need for manual feeding, reducing labor costs and allowing workers to focus on higher-value tasks.
  • Improved Efficiency: The automated system significantly increases production efficiency by streamlining the feeding process.
  • Enhanced Safety: The vacuum technology minimizes dust generation, promoting a cleaner and safer work environment for employees.
  • Maintained Product Quality: The system ensures gentle handling of food powders, preventing product degradation and preserving quality.


  • The system successfully reduced labor costs and improved production efficiency.
  • The automated feeding process minimized dust pollution, contributing to a cleaner and safer work environment.
  • The solution received positive feedback from the customer, demonstrating its effectiveness in addressing the challenges of traditional food powder production.

Key Takeaways:

This case study demonstrates the advantages of vacuum feeding technology for automating food powder production. By implementing such systems, companies can achieve:

  • Reduced labor costs
  • Improved production efficiency
  • Enhanced safety and cleanliness
  • Maintained product quality

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